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Search Engine Optimization 


Backend Digital provides your desired Search Engine Optimization Service for bring you in the first page of Search Engine. Therefore we commit some services to you that will be provided serially. One thing you have to bear in mind that there is no shortcut in SEO. Therefore it is a process of 3 to 6 months. For completing SEO process the following checklist will be followed by us-

  1. Setup The Google Search Console
  2. Setup Google Analytics
  3. Install Yoast SEO (WordPress Users Only)
  4. Keyword Research (Finding best keywords which searchers use)

– Identify Low Competition Keywords with high search value

– Identify Long tail keywords

– Identify Local Keywords

– Find Questions Keywords

  1. Tap Into Online Communities ( Different Social Media & Questions-Answers Platforms)
  2. Make proper On Page SEO

– Keyword Anchor texting

– Use short URLs using post title

– Set unique Title Tag

– Set Unique Meta Tag

– Sets Keywords in Meta Description & Title Tag

– Use keywords in the content

– Using H1, H2, H3, H4 Heading as or where necessary

– Optimize Images & set Image Alter Texts

– Use synonyms (LSI- Latent Symmetric Indexing) keywords

– Use Internal & External Links

  1. Competing Technical SEO checklist

– Identify Crawl Errors (Those Pages cannot be found by Search Engines)

– Find out How Google Views the Selected Page

– Make Sure the website is responsive (PC, Tablet & Mobile friendly as well)

– Fix broken Links (A Links which doesn’t work)

– Secure the site using HTTPS (Ensure SSL Certificates)

– Ensure website faster loading speed

  1. Content Checklist

 – Select unique content for publishing

– Use some content marketing formula

– Use Schema Markup

  1. Link Building or Backlinks Checklist (Off Page SEO)

 – Use powerful backlinks (Guest Post, Broken Links, Web 2.0, Blog commenting etc.)

– Analyzing Competitors Backlinks (Use Reserve Backlinks where competitors created backlinks) 

– Become a podcast for backlinks

  1. Always monitor the Statistics and find necessary steps


By following these steps your website will definitely rank in the search results of Search Engine.